Boleslav won, but didn’t advance

Boleslav won, but didn’t advance


Boleslav's close one-goal win was not enough to advance. They did not make up for the two-goal deficit from the first game and so they bid the European League farewell. Just like last year, they did not advance past their first European rival.

Boleslav entered the return match with one forced change: Douglas stood in the position of stopper next to Kúdela instead of Hůlka, who was punished for being disqualified in the first match. Tetovo started out in the same composition as in the previous five matches of the preliminary rounds of the European League.

The first half took place with minimal chances. Tetovo defended carefully and Boleslav played lengthy combinations with the fear that they must not let the opponent strike from a quick break. In the 8th minute, goalkeeper Zahov punched Rada's free kick out of Tetovo's penalty area. In the 15th minute, Rada was clear within the opponent's penalty area and his end-play was knocked out by Zahov to a corner. In the 30th minute, Kalabiška and Jánoš came close to scoring, but through his selfless intervention, goalkeeper Zahov defended a clean score. Less than ten minutes before the break, Boleslav did not take advantage of three standard situations; Tetovo easily averted Rada's free kick and two of Jánoš's corner kicks. In the 39th minute, Tetovo came close to success, when after Todorovsky's centre Junior shot from a good position, only to strike a group of defending opponents. Right before the end of the first half, Jánoš and Vukadinovič did not push their shots through. And so the first act was concluded without any goals.
In the second half, Boleslav played and Tetovo lounged around at every chance they had. They successfully fragmented the game and managed to lie around simulating injuries for more than one-third of the 45 minutes.

In the 49th minute, Chramosta headed weakly. In the 57th minute, goalkeeper Zahov tamed Vukadinovič's centre and a minute later Magera's. In the 59th minute, Rada's bomb missed the goal only by an inch or two. In the 64th minute, Keresteš's head shot was eliminated by Zahov. In the 70th minute, in a clear goal position, Chramosta shot directly at the goalkeeper from the line of the goal area. In the next minute, Rada's lefty shot from 50 feet just narrowly missed the goal. Tetovo was a threat in the second half for the first and last time 15 minutes before the end of the game. In the 75th minute, goalkeeper Diviš deflected Polozani's unexpected bomb to the corner and two minutes later he saved Junior's shot, which arrived in front of Boleslav's goal after Vujčič's superb perpendicular shot. Centre shots were fired in front of Tetovo's goal from both sides, but Boleslav was not strong and precise enough in its end-play.

It was only in the 82nd minute when Kúdela's centre from the right sideline was headed by Magera to the left post so well that Zahov could not reach the ball - 1:0.
The rest of the match, including the five-minute stoppage time, took place around and within Tetovo's penalty area; unfortunately for Boleslav, without the desired effect of a goal. The close win was not enough to advance; the Macedonian team FK Shkëndija 79 Tetovo advanced to the next stage of the European League, but it lost its three-month unbeaten streak in competitive matches, which did not sadden the coach or the players thanks to the happiness of advancing in the qualifying round of the European League.
Since their league loss with Vardar Skopje 0:1 on Sunday 24 April 2016, FK Shkëndija 79 Tetovo gradually defeated Bregalnica Štip 3:0 at home, Sileks Kratovo 3:0 at home, Shkupi 3:1 as a visitor all in the Macedonian League, Rabotnički Skopje 2:0 in the final of the Macedonian Cup, the Polish Krakow 2:0 at home and 2:1 as visitors in the first qualifying round of the European League. In the second qualifying round of the European League, Tetovo tied in Baku 0:0 and won in the home return match 1:0 and last week, in the third qualifying round of the European League, Tetovo defeated Mladá Boleslav 2:0 at home; therefore, they lost in Mladá Boleslav after a nine-game winning streak.

FK Mladá Boleslav line-up: Diviš - Pauschek (46th Golggol Mebrahtu), Kúdela, Douglas, Fleišman - Jánoš, Rada - Vukadinovič (69th Takács), Magera, Kalabiška (61st Keresteš) - Chramosta.
FK Shkëndija 79 Tetovo line-up: Zahov - Todorovski, Cuculi, Bejtulai, Demiri - Vujčič, Alimi (54th Polozani) - Radeski (74th Taipi), Hasani, Junior (85th Bojku) - Ibraimi.

Goal: 82nd Magera

YC: Chramosta, Kalabiška - Alimi, Demiri, Zahov, Hasani, Radeski, Taipi.
Referees: Simon Lee Evans - Lewis Ross Edwards, Ian Bird (all of Wales)
Spectators: 3528

Elimination from Europe spoiled the conclusion to Jarolím's Boleslav engagement

Boleslav's elimination from the third qualifying round of the European League is a big disappointment for Karel Jarolím at the end of his time in FK Mladá Boleslav, which he led for 32 months - longer than any other coach in Boleslav's major league era.

It was difficult for him to discuss the run of the return match of the third qualifying round of the European League although it was a victory, but not an advancement. "We squandered the first half even though we had indications of dangerous situations, but we did not push through and we did not get the opponent under pressure. It was only the changes in the line-up during the second half that brought the pressure. And even though we went into a bigger risk, we forfeited a better final phase due to inaccuracies. It was a shame that Chramosta did not score in the 70th minute; we still had more time for a second goal than what we had left after Magera's goal ten minutes before the end." Karel Jarolím recalled that the fatal factor was the two-goal loss in the first match. "Nil-to-two was an unpleasant outcome; however, I still think that it was playable at home, but we would have had to deal with offensive situations with greater accuracy." For Karel Jarolím, elimination from the qualifying round of the European League signals a hastening of the end of his engagement in FK Mladá Boleslav. "I spent nice moments in Boleslav, but I am currently disappointed from the elimination. I will move to the national football team in the nearest possible future," Karel Jarolím stated.

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