Jarolím regrets the goal received

Jarolím regrets the goal received


Karel Jarolím, Mladá Boleslav's coach, wished to travel to ŠirokiBrijeg, Bosnia, with zero goals received, but the reality is different. Therefore, he will have to prepare his team for a fiercer battle that takes place in a week.

"We wanted to win without receiving a goal, which we didn't manage. Our opponents were even in the lead and made our situation even more complicated. We were happy turning the game over," said Karel Jarolím immediately after their win. "Our defence didn't work very well, other teams would have punished us for our mistakes and would have scored more than just one goal. However, on the whole, I'm quite content with the team's performance. We controlled the ball in the first half, unfortunately without scoring, and allowed our opponents to get to the lead in the second half. Before the second leg, we're aware that we can't rely on defending a single goal lead and have to be actively offensive," Karel Jarolím added.
ŠirokiBrijeg's coach Slaven Musa showed his disappointment: "Let me congratulate Boleslav on their win, but I'm sorry to say that we performed very badly, especially on the left side of our defence line. But we're going to perform much better in the second leg." His words ring with a clear warning towards Mladá Boleslav.

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