Two goals scored under pressure in Enschede

Two goals scored under pressure in Enschede


Mladá Boleslav maintained a clean score board for just under an hour during the game before eventually scoring one goal against Twente's aggressive offence. When Mladá Boleslav scored twice in just six minutes, it became clear who would be victorious.

In the match of the third pre-round of the European League, Mladá Boleslav were missing eight injured players. Janíček, Rolko, Smejkal, Fabián, Štohanzl, Zahustel and Chramosta did not travel with the team at all. Two other injured players, Kulič and Šírl, remained on the bench. They were with substitute players Miller, Táborský, Zbrožek, Synek, Ondřejka and recovered player Opiela.
From the first minutes Twente put on the pressure. In just under five minutes, the Mladá Boleslav defence faced kicks targeting the centre of the goal twice. Šeda caught the ball from the right side of the goal, and Johana headshot the ball from the left. In the 11th minute, Chadli attempted to score, but Šeda deflected his shot towards the right goal post and still managed to cope with another shot from the same player from nearly a zero angle. In the 15th minute, Fer attempted hard to score, but even he did not manage to catch the Mladá Boleslav goalman off guard.
The second fifteen minutes changed nothing about the fact that Twente's players had the game under control. Šeda was put to work only by Plet with a weak shot during the 21st minute. Just under three minutes later, in the centre from the right Chadli ended a metre across Kysela next to the right Mladá Boleslav goal post.
Plet's opportunity came in the third fifteen minute, but it ended with the third Enschede corner. In the 39th minute, a centred penalty kick from the side line by Janssen pushed Šeda beyond the chalk line, but two minutes later he only observed Chadli's shot from 22 metres, which ricocheted off the cross bar to the left. Half time ended without any goals, and Mladá Boleslav went without scoring a goal for 225 minutes in this year's European match.

The second half began with a huge chance for Bulykin, who replaced injured Pleta. After Tadič's pass and imprecise moves by the Mladá Boleslav defence, Bulykin shot along the ground across the width of Šeda's goal a couple centimetres next to the right goal post. Nonetheless, the fourth fifteen minutes was unlucky for Mladá Boleslav.
The first dangerous attempt to score by Mladá Boleslav was made in the 49th minute by Mareš, but he missed the upper right corner. And then for several minutes the game moved before the Mladá Boleslav penalty territory. This was followed by goals scored by Twente.
In the 52nd minute Fer successfully scored after picking up a pass from Tadič's penalty kick from the right on the small chalk line and with his headshot did not give Šeda a chance - 1:0.
In just under a minute, Chadli slightly overshot from twenty metres. Šeda coped twice in the 54th minute with Tadič's sudden shot.
In the 57th minute, Sivrič's abrupt attempt to score for Mladá Boleslav with a rare offensive play did not have a chance of succeeding. Twente was fared better in the minute that followed.
Tadič overcame Bořil and Šeda miraculously defended against Bulykin's attempted goal, but this was not enough for Chadli's shot into the uncovered goal - 2:0.
In the 59th minute, Sivrič fled along the right side and ran into goalkeeper Mihajlov and Brunclík kicked and overshot the goal in the first clear and biggest chance of a goal for Mladá Boleslav.
In the 63rd minute of Chadli's centre shot, Bulykin headshot the ball from the small chalk line, but Šeda pushed the ball across the goal post beam to the corner, and the Mladá Boleslav goalkeeper intervened excellently again. In the 75th minute, Tadič shot from the right side again, and Šeda intervened in time defending against Gutiérrez. Within five minutes he averted another disaster in cooperation with captain Kúdela.
The final fifteen minutes was played in a calm atmosphere. Twente was satisfied with its clear lead and attempted to keep the ball under control for as long as possible. Mladá Boleslav tried in vain for an honest success, which would have given them optimism. However, even the confusion in the Enschede defence caused in the minute before the last by goalkeeper Mihajlov's unsuccessful kick was not taken advantage of by Mladá Boleslav for the purpose of scoring a goal.

FK Mladá Boleslav Team: Šeda - Kysela, Johana, Kúdela, Bořil - Ščuk, Brunclík (87st Táborský) - Mareš, Magera (61st Zbrožek), Sivrič - Nešpor (69st Ondřejka).
FC Twente Enschede Team: Mihajlov - Rosales, Douglas, Bjelland, Schilder - Brama, Fer, Janssen (72st Gutiérrez) - Tadič, Plet (46st Bulykin), Chadli.

Goal: 52st Fer, 58st Chadli

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