For complete satisfaction, Koubek was missing one more goal

For complete satisfaction, Koubek was missing one more goal


The coaches have agreed that Mladá Boleslav's win was deserved. Mladá Boleslav trainer Koubek was satisfied that the defence did not succeed, and he considers the three-goal advantage to be good for going into the next phase of the European Cup.

"We saw the kind of match we expected. We exerted pressure against our tenacious rivals and plenty of standard situations. Three to nothing seems to be a safe result, but for my complete satisfaction there should have been one more goal. It's good that we did not give up any. We do not underestimate our rivals even after this win. We realise that the Icelandic men's team defeated its Irish rivals five to one. However, we have higher quality than Dublin, and even though everything is possible in football, I would be an alibist if I did not admit our balanced position," said Mladá Boleslav coach Miroslav Koubek. When at the request of reporters he was asked to evaluate his players' performance, he first emphasised that Boleslav was led to victory by collective performance.

Then he added: "Magera demonstrated expected performance, and it is good for him and for the team that his goals succeeded. Besides Magera, Mareš was also visible, and Sivrič did well too. Both supported collective performance, which had decent parameters. It's unfortunate that Chramosta did not succeed. I am confident that he will make goals next time."

The main coach for Thor Akureiri Pall Vidar Gislason did not show up at the press conference, but his assistant did and said during the match: "It was a tough game for us. We attempted to achieve a good result, and even though we are a small club, the team tried as best they could. The better team win. We will try to improve our game at home and play more offensively."

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