They lost the match against the last league team

They lost the match against the last league team


Mladá Boleslav could not defeat the last team of Gambrinus League and suffered their worst defeat this year. The only goal scored by Táborský was too little to win the points.

Mladá Boleslav started actively. However Brno had the first real chance to score. In the 13th minute, after a clumsy intervention by Brunclík, Polách was taking a free kick and Kalabiška had a header saved from inside the penalty area. Miller punched clear in fantastic style and was also successful when Hudec was trying to knock the ball into the goal. Mladá Boleslav responded with Mendy's shot in the 20th minute. Lejsal punched clear and the ball got to Chramosta, who missed the empty Brno goal when shooting from a distance of ten meters. In the 28th minute, after Střeštík ran with the ball and passed it across the penalty area, Michálek took a shot while sliding on the grass. Fortunately he missed the Boleslav goal. In the 31st minute after a corner kick by Brno, Trousil saw his header crash onto the crossbar of Miller's goal.

In the 39th minute, Brno took the lead. The referee awarded a free kick after a duel between Brunclík and Polách. Střeštík prepared the ball for himself, but jumped over it and Polách fired a successful shot around the wall and hit the bottom corner inside the left goalpost in front of a diving Miller - 1:0.

The second half started well for Mladá Boleslav. Bulut wasted a clear chance after Chramosta's pass, but in the 48th minute, Táborský's nice shot, which bounced off the crossbar into Brno's net, equalized the game - 1:1. However Mladá Boleslav's joy did not last long.

Three minutes after the equalizer, the referee decided on a penalty when Kalabiška fell over the outstretched hands of the goalkeeper Miller. Dostálek made no make mistake with the penalty - 2:1. And in the 59th minute, Dostálek found Michálek unmarked on the right side of the penalty area, who smashed a shot in past Miller - 3:1.

FK Mladá Boleslav team: Miller - Kalina, Johana, Rolko, Fabián (Procházka 76) - Mendy, Opiela, Brunclík (Sedláček 46), Táborský - Chramosta (Kulič 83), Bulut.

FC Zbrojovka Brno team: Lejsal - Dřížďal, Hudec, Trousil, Husár - Michálek (Došek 83), Dostálek, Polách, Kalabiška - Rabušic (Hodek 76), Střeštík (Okleštěk 60).

Goals: Polách 39, Dostálek (penalty) 51, Michálek 59 - Táborský 47

Yellow cards: Trousil, Hudec, Polách - Johana, Brunclík, Sedláček

Referees: Bílek - Wilczek, Štěrba

Spectators: 2,408

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