They lost against Slovácko by one goal

They lost against Slovácko by one goal


The Boleslav team lost due to Ondřejka's goal that was shot in the 79th minute, having lost the previous six clear chances during the first half. In the second half Kúdela, a former pupil of the Slovácko team, hit the post of Filípek's goal, shooting a bomb from a distance of twenty-five metres. During the extended time, Brunclík, the fullback from Boleslav, was sent off with his second yellow card.

In the first half the Boleslav players were more dangerous and more precise than their opposites, who had been expected to make more effort than they were able to muster.
In the 5th minute, Sedláček opened the game with a short penalty kick for kicking Chramosta; Táborský successfully directed the ball towards the goal, and Mendy shot the bounced ball to the goalkeeper Filípek. In the 19th minute, Sedláček's pass was ended by Táborský's foot and the Slovácko goalkeeper saved himself, actually not knowing how. Three minutes later, Hrdlička's centre kick in front of the goal was extended by Táborský's headshot towards Mendy, who hit the goalkeeper. In the 25th minute, Sedláček's centre kick from the left side was headshot by the falling Táborský into the goalkeeper, who - again - was luckier than anybody else. In the 31st minute, Mendy's pass was ended by Chramosta, who shot without preparation and it was a near miss, very close to the right post.
The Slovácko team players were unable to develop a situation that dangerous in front of the Boleslav goal. Weak attacks, three corner kicks and a few centre kicks from made-up penalty kicks were managed by Šeda without much effort.

At the beginning of the second half, the Slovácko team was more active. First, Kuncl headshot just above, followed by the next attack: Ondřejka's penalty kick was boxed out by the reliable Šeda. In the 61st minute, after an action developed by Zelenka, Šeda miraculously saved the goal against the shooting Ondřejka.
In the 62nd minute, Kúdela hit the right post of the Slovácko goal from twenty-five metres. After a little while, the same post was missed by Chramosta. In the 68th minute, another bomb, shot by Kúdela, missed the target again. Chances were coming in turns. Šeda caught Svízela's shot. In the 75th minute, after Sedláček's corner kick, the Boleslav players were raising their hands when confused Slovácko defenders kicked a goal of their own. However, the referees did not see the ball past the line.
In the 79th minute, after Abraham's bully from the out area, Ondřejka, in the Boleslav goal area, turned himself and hit the ball under the bar - 1:0.
There was a lot of emotion in the field during the final minutes, which resulted in yellow cards - actually, there were more yellow card warnings than football game. During the extended time, Brunclík was given his second yellow card and was sent off .

The Boleslav team lacked their injured captain and best shot , Marek Kulič, long-time injured goalkeeper Miroslav Miller and half-back Ondřej Zahustel. Libor Tafat was kept available for the junior team.

FK Mladá Boleslav team: Šeda - Brunclík, Procházka, Janíček, Hrdlička - Mendy, Sylvestre, Kúdela, Sedláček (Fabián 77) - Chramosta, Táborský (Bořil 66).

1.FC Slovácko team: Filípko - Kuncl, Kordula, Abrahám, Kubáň - Fujerik, Kordula, Svízela (Cleber 74), Zelenka (Němčický 88), Košút - Ondřejka, Švancara (Nestorovski 86)

Goal: 79. Ondřejka

Yellow card: Kordula, Kubáň, Švancara, Ondřejka, Fujerik, Košút - Procházka, Brunclík

Red card: Brunclík

Referees: Jílek - Jiřík, Kubáň

Spectators: 4,225

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