Victory lost during the last five minutes

Victory lost during the last five minutes


The Boleslav players won at half-time and increased their lead after the break, playing without Kúdela, who had been sent off rather severely. During the last five minutes, Příbram, supported by the referee Kocián, decreased the difference and the result was turned into a draw.

In the first half, the Boleslav players were more active. They were unable to approach the Příbram goalkeeper for nearly half an hour. During the period from the 24th to the 30th minute, they had five chances. It was the last chance that changed the score.
Having contacted Chramosta, Sylvestre shot under the bar and Krbeček was barely able to divert the ball to the corner. When Kúdela released Kalina at the right wing, the Boleslav fullback centred the ball to the goal, where Táborský headed the ball towards Chramosta: His shot was then caught by Krbeček at the goal area line. After this, Chramosta created a chance for Táborský, whose ball hit the goalkeeper lying on the goal area line. Sedláček's corner kick was ended by Táborský's head just beyond the goal.
In the 30th minute, Sedláček passed backwards from the left side of the Příbram penalty area to the unattended Kúdela, whose hard shot from more than twenty metres found the goal - 0:1.

There was a chance to even things out in the 34th minute with Klesa, but he was alone in front of Šeda's goal and was unable to end the attack successfully. Two minutes before half-time ended, Kúdela closely missed, after Chramosta's pass.

The second half continued in a similar way, which means that the Boleslav players controlled the game, eager to win. This didn't change even after Kúdela was sent off in the 55th minute. The referee, Kocián, considered his fight against Šmejkal as ruining the promising chances. Just before that, Chramosta had missed his chance to shoot after Sylvestre's pass. It was similar in the 66th minute, when Poláček helped out.
In the 68th minute, Hrdlička pushed himself through the opposite team to the goal area and passed the ball to Chramosta. His shot was blocked by the defending players and the ball was sent to Hrdlička, who hit the goal successfully - 0:2.

In the 73rd minute, Sylvestre slipped to the end line, got through the last fullback and passed the ball towards the goal to Chramosta, who missed his hundred per cent chance: Acting too quickly, he didn't hit the ball correctly, and the ball was diverted from the post out. After the match, both coaches confirmed that this was the key moment of the game.
The Boleslav team lost two points during the final five minutes. The referee, Kocián, gave the Příbram team a penalty kick. The ball bounced from Poláček and was taken by Šeda. However, the referee considered it a back pass.
The penalty kick from ten metres in the 86th minute was converted by Klesa's shot under the bar - 1:2. In the 89th minute, after Klesa's centre kick, the ball headed from the right line in Šeda's goal by Příbram shooter Huňa - 2:2.

FK Mladá Boleslav team: Šeda - Kalina, Rolko, Procházka, Hrdlička - Mendy, Kúdela, Sylvestre, Sedláček (Poláček 62) - Chramosta (Kulič 72), Táborský (Bořil 58).

1.FK Příbram team: Krbeček - Plašil (Borek 57), Nohýnek, Jakub Štochl, Šmejkal - Klesa, Hušbauer, Tarczal (Fantiš 69), Tomáš Pilík - Huňa, Wágner.

Goals: 86. Klesa, 89. Huňa - 30. Kúdela, 68. Hrdlička

Yellow card: Tarczal, Huňa, Plašil - Rolko, Sedláček, Bořil

Red card: Kúdela

Referees: Kocián - Slavík, Tacina

Spectators: 2,862

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