They lost points during the first half

They lost points during the first half


It was the keen game that the spectators expected from the sixth-place Boleslav and fourth-place Jablonec. It didn't go that way during the first half as the Jablonec players were more active and their self-assured performance was confirmed by two goals. After the break, the Boleslav team speeded up, but didn't successfully lower the score difference until the extended period and didn't score even one point.

During the first fifteen minutes, the Jablonec players failed to use four chances. This was Kovařík twice and Lafata once during the play, and Jarolím from the penalty kick that was perfectly knocked out by Šeda. Boleslav produced a real attack against the opposing goalkeeper as late as the 25th minute, by means of a hard shot by Sedláček. The ball was diverted by Špit and then Kulič in a full run, without preparation, kicked out and missed the goal.
In the 28th minute, Haurdič centred the ball out of the right wing. At the more distant post, Lafata jumped over Kalina and headed the goal - 0:1.

Sometime during the 33rd minute the Boleslav team was very close to a tie. Along Drsek, Kulič passed the ball to the running Chramosta who, at an angle, shot out along the running Špit but hit only the right post of the Jablonec goal. The approaching Kulič was unable to get the ball; he missed it and the score stayed as it was.
Jablonec attacked for the second time in the last minute of this half. In a full run, Kovařík kicked out and his bomb from a distance of twenty metres emphasised the leading position - 0:2.

During the second half the Boleslav players had the chance to influence the unfavourable score in the 57th minute when, after the corner kick played by Kulič and Chramosta's free kick, Drsek, the Jablonec stopper, was kicking the ball from the goal line. The second chance then came in the 83rd minute when Mendy slipped along the right line and passed the ball to Bořil, whose blow was then caught by the attentive Špit. The Jablonec players didn't have as many good chances as in the first half. Their defence was careful and they didn't go above zero until the time was extended. Kovařík, the referee the spectators were angry with for favouring Jablonec, added three more minutes.
In the second minute of the extended time, Bořil passed the ball along the ground from the right side to Chramosta, who from a distance of ten metres got the ball over Špit and then along the goalkeeper's left side into the net - 1:2.
The Boleslav score balance, miserable after the match against Jablonec, stayed unchanged. Boleslav lost their third master match in a row against Jablonec and lost for the sixth time in a row.

FK Mladá Boleslav team: Šeda - Kalina, Procházka, Rolko, Hrdlička (Bořil 83) - Mendy, Sylvestre, Kúdela, Sedláček - Kulič (Táborský 64), Chramosta.

FK Baumit Jablonec team: Špit - Zábojník, Pavlík, Drsek, Jablonský - Jarolím, Loučka, Eliáš (Krejčí 89), Jan Kovařík - Haurdič (Michálek 58), Lafata Pekhart 87).

Goals: 90. Chramost - Lafata 28, Kovařík 45

Yellow card: Kúdela, Mendy, Procházka, Sedláček - Haurdič, Zábojník, Drsek

Referees: Libor Kovařík - Pelikán, Vysloužil

Spectators: 3,451

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