First points brought from Haná

First points brought from Haná


In Olomouc, Mladá Boleslav won the first of this year's league points despite an unsuccessful start to the match. The goalkeeper Šeda conceded a goal after a touch by Rolko, but before the break he caught a penalty kick. In the second half, Chramosta and Kalina turned the score over.

Kulič and Kúdela were penalized for four yellow cards and the injured Janíček did not travel to Olomouc. Procházka returned to the defence after a disciplinary punishment in the previous game. The goalkeeper Šeda, halfback Sedláček and the forwards Chramosta and Táborský got their opportunity to play.

The Mladá Boleslav players started the match in Ander Stadium in Olomouc as catastrophically as they did in the home match against Kladno. In minute 4, a harmless-looking offensive action by Olomouc was topped by a shot by Petr from the penalty area line. The defending Rolko touched the low shot so unluckily that the ball rolled slowly over the goal line at the opposite side than expected by the goalkeeper Šeda - 1:0.

The situation could be even worse after less than half an hour. Rolko visibly sent Škerle down near the goal area and the referee Zelinka blew the whistle on interference without hesitation. He showed the yellow card to the Mladá Boleslav central defender, the sixth one in total in the current season, and gave Olomouc the opportunity of a penalty kick. The penalty kick was executed by Šultes in minute 28, who aimed near the goalpost on Šeda's right hand. The Mladá Boleslav goalkeeper predicted the player's intention and caught the penalty kick.
In the last seconds of the first half, Zahustel shot a volley over the crossbar and Mendy's header ended up in the hands of the goalkeeper Lovásik.

In the second half, Mladá Boleslav players succeeded in reversing the unfavorable trend of the match. Chramosta scored the equalizing goal in minute 58. Mendy initiated action on the left side of the pitch and passed the ball to Sedláček to continue the attack. His low centre kicked on the volley from the penalty area line was hit by Chramosta and he scored with his left foot near the right goal post - 1:1.

The Olomouc players lost their touch in making a concerted move as they did in the first half. They tried to attack the Mladá Boleslav goal with high passes to their sharpshooter Ordoš. But the goalkeeper Šeda underwent air clashes bravely and forcefully. He boxed the balls out to a safe distance from his penalty area. Hubník had the best chance to score for Olomouc, running alone against Šeda, who just slowed down his shot. The effort of the Olomouc forward to knock the ball into the empty goal was cut short by Hrdlička. He reached the ball sooner and kicked it off just before the line.

Kalina scored the winning goal five minutes before the end of the game. Sylvestre's pass found unmarked Zahustel on the right side, who continued the action up to Olomouc's penalty area and passed the ball to sprinting Kalina. He shot past surprised Lovásik with a hard low kick instead of the centre expected by everyone - 1:2.
In the remaining two minutes of additional time, the Mladá Boleslav players successfully defended the much longed-for three points.

FK Mladá Boleslav team: Šeda - Kalina, Procházka, Rolko, Hrdlička - Zahustel, Sylvestre, Mendy, Sedláček (Poláček 58) - Chramosta (Tafat 89), Táborský (Bořil 80).

SK Sigma Olomouc team: Lovásik - Janotka, Škerle, Komárek, Heidenreich - Bajer, Kaščák (Vašíček 86), Petr (Rossi 58) - Šultes, Ordoš, Hubník (Schulmeister 78).

Goals: Petr 5 - Chramosta 58, Kalina 85

Yellow cards: Komárek, Ordoš, Hubnik - Rolko, Poláček

Referees: Zelinka - Novák, Santarius

Spectators: 3,931

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