Mladá Boleslav defeated Příbram thanks to goals by Kulič and Rajnoch

Mladá Boleslav defeated Příbram thanks to goals by Kulič and Rajnoch


For the 4th round match between FK Mladá Boleslav - 1.FK Příbram, the Mladá Boleslav trainer, Uhrin, fielded the same successful team that easily defeated Liberec at home and Kladno away. After an impressive game played in high temperatures the players deservedly secured three points and kept Mladá Boleslav at the top of the Gambrinus League. In the 37th minute Kulič scored after receiving a pass from Táborksý and Rajnoch added the second goal from a free kick in the last minutes of play.

Mladá Boleslav started the match more actively than their opponents and maintained this throughout the first half. In the 5th minute, after a ricochet shot by Pecka, Mladá Boleslav took the first corner. Příbram achieved a similar situation three minutes later.

In the 14th minute Rajnoch diverted Kulič's kick into the path of Krbeček and the ball flew just wide of the left-hand post. In the 29th minute, following a one-two pass from Pecka, Djalovic sent a hard right-footed shot flying just outside the left-hand post of the Příbram goal. The goalkeeper Krbeček simply looked on helplessly....

In the 36th minute Huň's cross in front of the Mladá Boleslav goal was headed away by Rolko, whose counterattacking set up the goal. Táborský elegantly and accurately lobbed the ball past the Příbram defence from the left sideline where Kulič collected the ball and sent it past Krbeček in off left-hand post and crashing into the Příbram net - 1:0.

After changing sides Příbram dominated play in Mladá Boleslav's half of the field for five whole minutes, but due to their lack of finishing they failed to threaten Vorel at all. Mladá Boleslav also lacked the finishing to make any difference.

In horrendous August heat the players of both teams tried to make something of the game. Příbram tried to force a draw with Mladá Boleslav pushing for a second goal. They were both unsuccessful for quite a time. Mendy tried a long distance shot but failed to surprise Krbeček. After Pleškov's corner Muller headed the ball into the post, but Vorel managed to block it. A fresh Chramosta forced the Příbram defence to make several fouls but lacked a finishing touch.

The match remained undecided until its last minutes. During the 87th minute Chramosta made a run but was pulled back by the last man Štochl, for which he received a red card. He took his marching orders and Rajnoch stepped up to take the free kick. He struck the ball with an impressive right footed shot which curled over the wall into the upper right corner of the net which left goalkeeper Krbeček trying to block it in vain - 2:0.

FK Mladá Boleslav team: Vorel - Kúdela, Rolko (46. Janíček), Rajnoch, Djalovič - Mendy, Sylvestre (74. Fikru Lemessa), Procházka, Táborský - Kulič, Pecka (64. Chramosta).

1.FK Příbram team: Krbeček - Plašil, Štochl, Müller, Dos Santos (79. Šmejkal) - Klesa (61. Pilík), Tarczal, Pleško, Fantiš (72. Dort) - Huňa, Rodrigues.

Goals: 37. Kulič, 89. Rajnoch

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