They lost after two penalty kicks

They lost after two penalty kicks


The Boleslav players were unsuccessful in the match against a Bohemians side from Střížkov struggling to stay in the league. They conceded two goals from penalty kicks. Zoubek scored from the first after the referee ordered the penalty for a foul committed by Hrdlička and Dobeš scored his penalty after a foul by Rolko. Procházka reduced the goal difference immediately after the second penalty kick, however, the Boleslav could not manage to equalize. The opponents from Prague broke the play by simulating injuries and lying on the pitch in an unfair way in the end of the match.

A tricky centred pass by Turtenwald from a free kick taken by the side line passed across the defensive line of Boleslav goal in the 13th minute and the goalkeeper Miller had to dive to his right-hand post at the last moment to save. He also saved smashing shots by Vošahlík and Zoubek. Zoubek fell after a duel with Hrdlička in the corner of area in the 22nd minute and the referee Bílek ordered a penalty. Dobeš converted it in the 23rd minute - 1:0.

The Boleslav players got found their offensive rhythm at the conclusion of the first half. Papadopulos passed the ball to Chramosta with his header in the 35th minute and he forced the keeper Belaň into a stretching save. Two minutes later, Pecka passed the ball to Opiela on the right-hand side but his centred pass did not find a teammate in front of the goal. Pecka passed the ball to Opiela on the right-hand side again in the 40th minute and his cross found the head of Sylvestre but his header just cleared the right-hand post of the Bohemians goal.

In spite of the fact that the Boleslav team performed noticeably better in the second half, the players did not manage to reverse the score. Papadopulos shot hastily from a long distance and another attack was stopped by the referees because of his offside position. Chramosta was unsuccessful after a pass by Pecka when the ball escaped him behind the line.

Chramosta tried to acrobatically finish a centred pass by Táborský in the 71st minute but he missed the goal.

Dobeš utilized some clumsy defending by Rolko, falling in the penalty area in the 76th minute, and the referee ordered the second penalty kick. Zoubek scored from the spot - 2:0.

Just one minute after the penalty kick, Procházka headed the ball excellently into the Bohemians net after a centred pass from a free kick taken by Sylvestre - 2:1.

A quarter of the match remained to try and overcome the deficit but the Boleslav players were unsuccessful, in spite of the fact that they attacked for most of the remaining time. The opponents broke up the play time and time again, as players lay on the pitch simulating injuries and saw out the game in this shoddy and unfair way.

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