Pavel Hapal replaced by Dušan Uhrin

Pavel Hapal replaced by Dušan Uhrin


The management of FK Mladá Boleslav dismissed head-coach Pavel Hapal after the home defeat in the match against Liberec. Dušan Uhrin junior was appointed to the position of head-coach of the first-league team on Monday, May 4, 2009. The management of the club terminated the contract with Pavel Hapal upon mutual agreement. The new head-coach Dušan Uhrin junior signed a contract on Tuesday afternoon for an indefinite period. Dušan Uhrin will cooperate with the same support team as his predecessor until the end of this season.

"The very unsatisfactory results of the team in the spring part of this season's Gambrinus liga, in particular in home matches, was the reason for the dismissal of Pavel Hapal. The management of FK Mladá Boleslav met late on Sunday evening after the match against Liberec and decided to take this step. Agreement with respect to the conditions of the contract with Dušan Uhrin was achieved on Tuesday afternoon", said the business and communication director of the Boleslav club Petr Svěcený.

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