The youngster Chramosta saved a point

The youngster Chramosta saved a point


Everything important for the result took place in the first half. Příbram took the lead in the 9th minute when Plašil scored from a header after a corner kick. Chramosta then equalized two minutes before the break. After a foul against him, Kalina took a free kick and Chramosta guided the ball with his right foot from the goal area into the back of the net. It was the first goal for the eighteen year old Honza Chramosta in only his second appearance in the Gambrinus liga.

The Boleslav players could not wish for a worse start. The Bolelsav defence was beaten after only 9 minutes on the Příbram pitch after three matches without conceding a goal. Plašil jumped higher than the Boleslav defenders from a corner kick taken by Tarczal – 1:0.

The Boleslav Boleslav players lost their confidence after the goal, and it was reflected in their imprecise passes. The Příbram players camped inside the Boleslav half for five minutes, however they did not manage to serious endanger Miller’s goal. The matched started to balance out after the 20th minute and the Boleslav players found their shooting distance to the Příbram goal, but it was without effect. Miller saved an unpleasant low drive by Huňa in the 29th minute.

Chramosta was fouled close to the Příbram penalty area when receiving a pass by Rolko shortly before the break. Kalina´s free kick found Chramosta waiting on the edge of the six yard box and the youngster fired home from an acute angle in the příbram goal – 1:1.

The Boleslav team went on to dominate their rival from Příbram in the midfield, but they rarely managed to produce any dangerous shots on goal and the game ended as it began in a draw.

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