Sylvestre started and Pecka finished off Žižkov

Sylvestre started and Pecka finished off Žižkov


Mladá Boleslav earned three points in a high quality match in Žižkov. Sylvestre opened the scoring in the 18th minute; Švancara then equalised from a free kick four minutes after the break before the sharpshooter Pecka smashed the winning goal after a perfectly centred pass from Mach in the 72nd minute. Pavel Hapal left Papadopulos on the bench for the first time, which was the only change to the line-up from the previous matches. Csaplár, the Žižkov head-coach, made two changes. He deployed Bartalský in goal instead of Hruška and returned Stracený to the midfield line instead of Vukadinovič.

The match began in Žižkov’s half of the pitch for the initial three minutes but Švancara elegantly passed the ball to Demjan in the fourth minute and Žižkov’s first attack resulted in a corner kick. Žižkov earned six corner kicks before the break to Mladá Boleslav’s one.

A Sylvestre shot in the 18th minute from more than twenty metres out took a slight deflection off the defender T.Procházka and flew past Bartalský into the back of the net – 0:1. The Boleslav players celebrated the goal intensely and it seemed to wake up the Žižkov players. Boleslav continued to create further scoring chances before the conclusion of the first half. An effort by Řezníček was blocked by Gabriel in the penalty area, and Sylvestre’s well taken effort from a cross by Poláček in the 37th minute was turned away for a corner kick by Bartalský.

Shortly after the break and it was Sylvestre on target again only to have his first time shot saved by the Žižkov goalkeeper. However, in the 49th minute, it was Švancara who scored from a free kick when he surprised both the Boleslav defence and their goalkeeper Miller by quickly taking his kick before the referee gave his instruction – 1:1.

A fresh Papadopulos hit the crossbar with a header after a precise cross from Mendy in the 65th minute. Bartalský again summoned all his effort to turn aside a smashing shot from Packa five minutes later. Papadopulos’ header from the resulting corner kick just cleared the crossbar.

Mach found himself in space and centred a pass across the penalty area from the left-hand side in the 72nd minute. Sylvestre’s intentional dummy ran into the path of Pecka who sent the ball under the crossbar and crashing into the roof of the Žižkov goal – 1:2.

The referee awarded Žižkov a corner kick after a cross by Vukovič and the resultant header on goal in the 81st minute was well defended by Boleslav. The game was moving from end to end but the Boleslav players managed to defend their lead as the game maintained the pace it had started with. Head-coach Hapal’s men went on to dominate the final stages of the match finishing it comfortably by controlling the possession and avoiding unforced errors when in control of the ball.

Line-up of FK Mladá Boleslav: Miller – Kalina, Janíček, Václav Procházka, Mach (83. Ševinský) – Mendy (90. Kysela), Sylvestre, Rajnoch, Poláček – Řezníček (62. Papadopulos), Pecka. Unused substitutes: Rolko, Táborský, Opiela and Šeda.

Line-up of FK Viktoria Žižkov: Bartalský – Šťastný, Besta, Gabriel, Zengue – Stracený (54. Vukadinovič), Tomáš Procházka (76. Luboš Hruška), Vozábal, Koukal – Demjan (78. Kučera) and Švancara. Unused substitutes: Novotný, Hušbauer, Aleš Hruška.

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