FK Mladá Boleslav - FC Slovan Liberec 0:2 (0:0)

FK Mladá Boleslav - FC Slovan Liberec 0:2 (0:0)


Mladá Boleslav lost with a two-goal difference against the team from the bottom of the league standings when in the last minute of the first half, Matějovský missed a penalty kick, probably the decisive moment of the match. Liberec’s goalkeeper Zlámal saved his weak and poorly aimed shot. First Bílek and later Nezmar grabbed with their goals in the second half a win for Liberec. Dominance in the field and a greater number of scoring chances was of little use for the Boleslav players. They did not manage to score. On the contrary, their opponents scored twice from a minimum number of chances.

The head-coach of Mladá Boleslav Ščasný said in a sad voice that football brings such unexpected result and reminded us as an example that two weeks ago, Boleslav had surprised Brno in a similar manner like Liberec Boleslav this time. “We had three excellent scoring chances before the penalty kick in the first half. And we started the second half very well, too. We played good combination football and kept the ball on the ground. But in the period when we still could do something with the match, we conceded a goal from a break and later another one after a corner kick. I congratulate the rivals on the win,“ concluded Ščasný.
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