1.FC Brno - FK Mladá Boleslav 0:3 (0:1)

1.FC Brno - FK Mladá Boleslav 0:3 (0:1)


Mladá Boleslav broke its unlucky run in Brno quite resolutely. After the three preceding defeats, the team won with a three-goal difference. Sedláček in the 42nd minute, Mendy in the 53rd minute and Rajnoch in the 86th minute were the successful scorers. The home team players were more active during the opening thirty minutes, however, the Mladá Boleslav team dominated the pitch in the last quarter of the first half. The Boleslav players started the second half with greater aggressiveness and together with their untiring attacking, they complicated the efforts of the Brno team to equalize. The decisive win was a deserved expression of the difference in playing concepts. Mladá Boleslav players were quicker, more accurate and stronger the entire second half.

When a team wins away with a three-goal difference, words are useless. Boleslav players got in such situation that their head-coach Zdeněk Ščasný said. “I must be satisfied, there is nothing to talk about,” at the opening of the press conference in the pleasant press centre of 1.FC Brno after the match. The head-coach of Brno, Petr Uličný, sitting beside him, only nodded his worried head. “We came to Brno with humility and the opening of the match did not correspond with our ideas. I am glad that the team confirmed the tendency towards improving their shape later in the match. The result is tough for the opponents,“ said Ščasný, who openly appealed to players and all involved in Mladá Boleslav football matters to not overestimate the result from Brno. “We must continue working hard and continue the way, which still remains long. And we must mainly confirm the win in Brno in the match against Liberec in two weeks, which will certainly not be an easy task.“

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