It Would Be Mistake To Regard the 2006 Achievements As Every Year Platitude

It Would Be Mistake To Regard the 2006 Achievements As Every Year Platitude


When the players of Mladá Boleslav were beating renowned rivals and learned Europe to know where the town of Mladá Boleslav is situated during the packed autumn season, the general director of the football club Jaromír Šeterle sighed that the players and management of the club had not opportunity to stop time for while and to enjoy the success achieved properly. He realized and still realizes its rareness and irrepeatability.

The general director of FK Mladá Boleslav Jaromír Šeterle considers the fact that the club succeeded in attracting audience on the stands of the stadium in Mladá Boleslav and that the team was successful in home matches to be very important. "For example, the matches against Sparta, Slavia and Marseille brought moments that will remain in memories of people for very long time," supposes Šeterle, but at the same time, he cannot deny his character of an experienced football official as he is aware of the fact that no trees grow in the sky even in the moments of success. "We still continue in struggling for keeping stability in Mladá Boleslav because no way is straight, no way leads only upwards and is free of turns and falls," says Šeterle with cool mind. And what does he regard as stability in the domestic football environment? "To keep the team in the better half of the league standings and in struggle for qualifying in European cups. The success achieved by the club 2006 cannot be considered to be a platitude," he emphasized. And what will Šeterle's New Year toast? „Nothing original because the more a man experiences during his life, the more he/she wishes good health and luck." The same certainly applies to everybody who supports FK Mladá Boleslav.

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