Mladá Boleslav Missed One Goal

Mladá Boleslav Missed One Goal


The roles before the last act of the group G of the UEFA were assigned clearly. Hapoel Tel Aviv needed to keep a tie in order to qualify in the spring stage of the European cup while Mladá Boleslav had to win. Only one team could continue in the competition. The Israeli opponent managed it, Mladá Boleslav missed luck on the Mediterranean coast in a December evening.

Hapoel prepared the first good scoring chance in the 8th minute. Agile Barda appeared alone in front of Miller in the penalty area after Toama's centre pass but he did not overcome the goalkeeper of Mladá Boleslav. Palát diverted Vermouth's centre pass from the right-hand side in the goal area to a corner in the 23rd minute. The most dangerous Israeli player Barda got behind the defence of Mladá Boleslav in a situation that reeked of offside in the 26th minute, Miller rebounded his first shot but the emphatic forward still pushed the ball behind the goal line - 1:0. Mladá Boleslav managed to respond in the 33rd minute above all thanks to Abraham who foxed three opponent players, sent the ball to Kulič on the right-hand wing whose centre pass was taken by Poláček in the penalty area. However his shot was too high. Poláček appeared more times in good shooting positions. His shot just cleared the right-hand goal post in the 11th minute after Matějovský's pass and he achieved the same result after Kysela's effort in the 43rd minute. However, the score of the match was already equalized at that time. Matějovský started a nice attack in the 38th minute when he send the ball to Kulič along the right-hand line who centre passed it in front of the goal where the ball was volleyed under the crossbar by Kysela - 1:1.

The players of Mladá Boleslav started the second half noticeably more actively than the opponent players but they did not express it by goals. Barda who moved permanently at the offside line so that referees stopped his attacks repeatedly was the most dangerous forward of Tel Aviv again. Palát header was wide in the 62nd minute after Kulič's corner, Abraham tried long distance shot that resulted only in a corner in the 68th minute. Kulič penetrated in the penalty area with the ball in the 87th minute, he foxed a defender but his shot was diverted to a corner kick by the goalkeeper Elimelch. Attentive Miller saved a smashing shot of Barda from an acute angle in the last minute and the goalkeeper of Mladá Boleslav set out to strengthen offensive forces during four minutes of extra time at Matějovský's free kick. But he was not successful in the penalty area and Hapoel could score a winning goal in a counter attack in a lonely opponent's goal. But Degu missed it.
The match ended with a tie that qualified Hapoel Tel Aviv in the spring struggle for the UEFA Cup. Mladá Boleslav missed one goal to qualify.

FK Mladá Boleslav: Miller - Palát, Rajnoch, Brezinský, Nesvadba (86. Rolko) - Kysela, Abraham (80. Vaculík), Matějovský, Poláček (72. Holub) - Sedláček, Kulič.

Hapoel Tel Aviv: Elimelch - Bondarv, Paez, Badeer (89. Doani), Antebi - Vermouth (78.Jolic), Abukasis, Abutbul, Toama - Ogbona (46. Degu), Barda.

Goals: Barda - Kysela

Yellow cards: Paez, Antebi - Poláček

Referees: Meyer - Scheibel, Anklam

Audience: 10,000

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