Expected Win Returned Mladá Boleslav on the Top of the League

Expected Win Returned Mladá Boleslav on the Top of the League


Mladá Boleslav worried about three points in the match with one-sided progress till the last minute when the substitute Rajnoch scored to ensure the safe two-goal lead. Pecka scored twice and Kysela once before him. However, the players of Mladá Boleslav missed plenty of other scoring chances. The win returned Mladá Boleslav on the top of the first league standings as the last champion Slovan Liberec suffered the first defeat of this season on the pitch of Příbram.

The players of Mladá Boleslav rushed in the match with enthusiasm, which was crowned by Pecka's leading goal in the 15th minute when he changed in goal a pass of Kulič after Poláček's effort - 1:0. And other goal chances came. The goalkeeper of České Budějovice saved a centre pass of Matějovský just before Rolko, stopped Pecka's break and saved also Kulič's attack when he took a back pass of Žižka. Poláček then failed to return the rebounded ball in the unprotected goal of České Budějovice. In the last quarter of the first half, Ševinský's free kick just cleared the cross bar and Matějovský missed the goal after Abraham's pass. Kysela's excellent left foot shot from twenty metres ended by the left-hand post of Filipko's goal in the 42nd minute - 2:0. One minute later, the referee Jára made up a penalty kick against Mladá Boleslav for a duel between Brezinský and Svátek. Volešák scored from the penalty kick with confidence in the 43rd minute - 2:1. The lead of Mladá Boleslav was deserved, however, the tight one-goal gap did not reflect the events on the pitch at all. If the home side would lead by four goals, nobody could wonder.
The players of Mladá Boleslav started the second half similarly actively as the first one. Matějovský took the ball from Žižka, but his centre pass to Pecka was saved by Filipko's double effort. Pecka headed the ball to the post after Kulič's precise free kick in the 59th minute - 3:1. However, it did not too much time and České Budějovice players reached only one-goal difference again. Fresh Gruber who substituted the injured playmate Plocek five minutes before sprinted along the right-hand side line and sent a centre pass in front of the goal of Mladá Boleslav and Volešák by the closer post surprised home defence together with the goalkeeper - 3:2. As if the team of České Budějovice would feel their chance of grabbing a point. Kladrubský just missed Kučera's goal and the ball cleared the post tightly after a vicious corner kick. Táborský tripped Sedláček by the half line in the 72nd minute and saw yellow card for the second time so that he had to go in the dressing room. The home side utilized twenty-minute power play only in the last minute to confirm their win. However, before Abraham overshot the goal of České Budějovice, Filipko saved Rolko's header excellently and the referee Jára sent the head-coach of Mladá Boleslav from the bench on the stand. "Something like this happened to me for the first time," said surprised Uhrin. The referee added five minutes of extra time to the dramatic conclusion of the high-quality match and Rajnoch ended a combination attack by a smashing shot to the bar when Kulič let him ball selflessly in the penalty area after Matějovský's centre pass in the first minute of extra time - 4:2.

FK Mladá Boleslav: Kučera - Ševinský, Brezinský, Rolko, Šmerda - Kysela (85. Holub), Matějovský, Abraham, Poláček (70.Sedláček) - Kulič, Pecka (80. Rajnoch)

SK Dynamo České Budějovice: Filipiko - Plocek (58. Gruber), Žižka, Kladrubský, Bureš (46. Peroutka) - Adamec, Dvořák (87. Mrkvička), Volešák, Černý - Svátek, Táborský

Goals: Pecka 2, Kysela, Rajnoch - Volešák 2

Yellow cards: Matějovský, Sedláček - Bureš, Volešák, Táborský

Red cards: Táborský

Referees: Jára - Kordula, Večeřa

Audience: 4650

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