Traditional Drama after a Winning First Half

Traditional Drama after a Winning First Half


The Boleslav players won an important match against a very strong rival with Švancara, Zelenka and Urbánek all turning in experienced performances. However, after clearly winning the first half, the match ended dramatically as both the players and the crowd feared for the points in the final minutes.

The Boleslav spectators did not enjoy a half-hour like that for a long time. Rolko opened the scoring in the 9th minute, Mendy added another goal in the 14th minute and Kulič scored the third in the 29th minute, all in spite of the fact that the goalkeeper Miller really could not complain that the rival players neglected him.

Rolko scored with a header from the goal area after a corner kick taken by Kulič - 1:0. Zelenka took a free kick two minutes later and Rolko was forced to clear the ball off the Boleslav goal line. The ball fell to Urbánek but his sharp shot missed Miller's goal. A shot by Opiela cleared the goal narrowly on the other side in the 13th minute. The crowd witnessed an excellent piece of football art in the 14th minute. Mendy went through two defenders and strode into the penalty area and, when everybody expected him to pass the ball, he shot from an acute angle and beat the goalkeeper Vašek inside his near post - 2:0.

Ondřejka wasted a tremendous scoring chance for Slovácko in the 26th minute when he missed the goal from the goal area after a clever pass by Švancara. Pecka beat a Slovácko defender in an air duel in the 29th minute and held his pass for an onrushing Kulič who appeared alone in front of the goalkeeper. The Boleslav skipper knows what to do in situations like this and cooly finished past a helpless keeper inside the right hand post to give Boleslav a three goal lead at the break - 3:0.

However the Boleslav players lost their cool mood after the break. Slovácko fought their way back into the match scoring two goals. Ondřejka scored for the first time after an attack by Švancara in the 66th minute and Smetana beat Miller for the second time with his powerful header after Abraham had crossed the ball in the 78th minute. The Boleslav players became nervous with the score at 3:2 and the Slovácko players found their wings. Miller then saved a shot by Kubáň in added time to keep the narrow lead and ensure the win.

Line-up of FK Mladá Boleslav: Miller - Kalina, Rolko, Rajnoch, Fabián (90. Janíček) - Mendy, Procházka, Opiela, Táborský (82. Kysela) - Kulič, Pecka (71.Lemessa). Připravení Djalovič, Kúdela, Bořil a Šeda, zranění Sylvestre, Poláček, Chramosta.

Line-up of 1.FC Slovácko: Vašek - Randa, Struhár, Abrahám, Urbánek - Racko (48. Smetana), Kordula, Zelenka, Cleber (41. Kubáň) - Švancara, Ondřejka.

Goals: 9. Rolko, 14. Mendy, 29. Kulič - 66. Ondřejka, 78. Smetana

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