Our Players Overcame Střížkov in the Cool Early Evening

Our Players Overcame Střížkov in the Cool Early Evening


The series of unsuccessful league matches is forgotten. The Boleslav players scored four times and missed at least twice as many scoring changes in the match against Bohemians from Střížkov. They moved in the upper half of the Gambrinus liga standings.

In spite of the fact that the Boleslav players were more active from the beginning, their goalkeeper Miller conceded the first goal. He saved a shot by Kincl from the corner of the goal area at the 39th minute but the Střížkov players regained the ball and Jeslínek managed to score from the immediate vicinity - 0:1. By that time, the Boleslav forwards Kulič, Chramosta and Kysela had already missed their chances. The referees denied a goal scored by Kulič for offside in the 20th minute. A minute before, Kulič, Chramosta and Kysela ran against one defender but they failed to score. Kulič could have equalised three minutes after the conceded goal when he was alone in front of the goalkeeper but he could only hit his shot at the keepers legs. Chramosta finally equalised in the last minute of the first half after a nice pass by Rajnoch - 1:1.

The Boleslav team returned successfully from the dressing room. Kysela lifted the ball with his head after a free kick taken by Poláček and Rajnoch then headed towards the goal, however, Beláň produced a fantastic save and spoiled a clear chance. Kulič penetrated into the penalty area after going around a defender and passed the ball to Rajnoch in the 49th minute and Macháček knocked him down and stopped his scoring chance. The referee ordered a penalty kick without hesitation and sent Macháček off. Sylvestre scored from the penalty kick - 2:1.

When Rajnoch improved the lead to 3:1 in the 65th minute after a pass by Sylvestre it seemed as though the points were secure. But Bohemians were back in the match two minutes later when the substitute Andronic managed to score after a corner kick- 3:2. Miller then made an excellent save in the 69th minute after a volleyed shot by Ibe which was a pivotal point in the match. The Boleslav players withstood an extended period of pressure from their opponents and began to dominate once again. Chramosta missed from a good position before Rolko headed the ball just over the crossbar. Poláček also hit the post from a corner kick. Finally, in the 82nd minute, Poláček lobbed the ball elegantly over Belaň after a pass by Opiela and put the result out of Bohemians reach - 4:2.

Line-up of FK Mladá Boleslav: Miller - Kalina, Rolko, Janíček, Djalovič (46. Poláček) - Kysela (71.Mendy), Rajnoch, Sylvestre (82.Opiela), Fabián - Kulič, Chramosta

Line-up of FK Bohemians Praha Střížkov: Belaň - Macháček, Obermajer, Horáček (61.Liantsevich), Modeste - Očovan (46.Turtenwald), Zoubek, Dobeš, Jeslínek - Ibe, Kincl (58.Andronic)

Goals: 45. Chramosta, 49. Sylvestre, 65. Rajnoch, 82. Poláček - 39. Jeslínek, 67. Andronic

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