An unlucky streak continues; they lost the fifth consecutive game

An unlucky streak continues; they lost the fifth consecutive game


The Boleslav team attacked the Brno goal for ninety minutes unsuccessfully. The players didn't score any goals, so the unlucky streak without a league win continues.

Both teams were lacking two players nominated for the U20 2009 World Cup in Egypt. Brno no longer had Mareček and Rabušic; Boleslav, Fabián and Chramosta. The head coach, Uhrin, entrusted his confidence to goalkeeper Šeda, who was backed up by a recovered Miller while Vorel wasn't chosen for the game at all. Similarly to Šeda, Ethiopian forward Lemessa appeared in the opening lineup for the second time. And midfielder Opiela started the game in the opening lineup for the first time ever, while Sylvestre just remained on the bench.

Most of the first half was played in the Brno half of the pitch. The Boleslav players overcame their rival with swift combinations, but they were imprecise in the final stages of their attempts to attack. Thus, they came to directly endanger the goal of goalkeeper Bureš only rarely.

Paradoxically, Brno had its first big chance to score in the 23rd minute. An unmarked Križko took over the ball after a free kick by Polách into the arms of a well-placed Šeda.

Shortly afterwards, the Boleslav players frightened Bureš in the Brno goal for the first time. A header by Táborský after a center pass by Kulič was rough in the 24th minute. In the 25th minute, Kúdela rushed into the penalty area after a pass by Mendy but in front of the goalkeeper running out, he decided to pass instead of shooting; however, none of his teammates was able to take the pass. Táborský took a free kick almost from the half line just before halftime and a header by Rajnoch just cleared the right post of the Brno goal.

The playing scene didn't change after the break. The Boleslav players attacked while the Brno players defended themselves fiercely. The stands only sighed at the tremendous scoring changes, but they were unable to burst out in joy even once. Lemessa missed an empty goal in the 52nd minute, Bureš saved a smashing shot by Mendy by diverting it to a corner kick some time later, and in the 58th minutes, Lemessa again spoiled his opportunity to score after a center pass by Táborský with Kulič's assistance. Passes flew across the penalty area and frequently even across the goal area of Brno from both sides but nobody was able to score. A shot by Kysela in the 73rd minute that hit the back of his teammate, Pecka, was the picture of downfall; Procházka didn't score from the boundary of the goal area, and a shot by Kysela touched the crossbar immediately after that. Rajnoch shot from a corner of the goal area in added time, but Bureš diverted the ball to a corner kick.

Lineup of FK Mladá Boleslav: Šeda - Kúdela, Rolko, Rajnoch, Djalovič - Mendy, Procházka, Opiela (75. Sylvestre), Táborský - Kulič (72. Kysela), Lemessa (59. Pecka).

Lineup of 1.FC Brno: Bureš - Križko, Dvorník, Jílek (19. Červínek), Dřížďal - Michna (72. Smutný), Dostálek, Polách, Lira - Dalmo (84. Šural), Došek.

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