Another Loss after Serious Mistakes

Another Loss after Serious Mistakes


Boleslav lost two more points on the home pitch despite the fact that they played for an hour against a rival missing a player, who was sent off the field. Head coach Uhrin was angry at his players because they lack greater responsibility for the results in matches and for the good reputation of the Boleslav club.

In effort to score as soon as possible, Mendy achieved a corner kick in the first minute and after Poláček took it, a shot by Kulič from several meters away cleared the goal watched by Drobisz. The Boleslav team obtained four more corner kicks in the following minutes, but with no danger for the Olomouc goal.

The Olomouc players were a threat in the 10th minute. After an imprecise pass by Procházka at the half line, Otepka passed the ball to Janotka along the right-hand line and unmarked Hubník only narrowly missed his sharp centre-pass. Referee Příhoda forgave Olomouc a penalty shot after a centre-pass by Poláček and playing by hand by a defender in the penalty area in the 14th minute. The captain, Kulič, demanded it in vain...

Kúdela sent the ball to Mendy in the 19th minute and Kúdela, Kulič and Pecka missed his centre-pass. Two minutes later, Pecka passed the ball to Kulič perfectly but he missed it by several centimetres. His mood improved after a while.

Kúdela did not let an apparently lost ball out of the pitch in the 23rd minute and passed it unexpectedly from the right-hand line to the running Kulič. He overcame both the stopper, Škerle and the goalkeeper, Drobisz running out and shot precisely along him - 1:0.

Hubník hit Djalovič with his elbow in a scrum in the 33rd minute when waiting for a corner kick and the referee sent the Olomouc player off the field. The Boleslav defenders diverted the corner kick taken immediately afterward but Otepka reached the ball and returned it in front of the goal. Dreksa hit the post of the Boleslav goal from the goal area while the keeper of the goal just watched helplessly.

Petr from the Olomouc team evened the score unexpectedly in the 41st minute - 1:1. He followed a centre-pass by Onofrej with visibly more effort than the defender, Djalovič and the goalkeeper, Vorel. Drobisz, luckily, rebounded a smashing shot by Kúdela from a long distance to a corner kick in the penultimate minute of the first half.

The Boleslav stadium was paralyzed ten minutes after the exchange of sides. Rossi centre-passed from the right side and an unmarked Janotka headed the ball along the right side of the goalkeeper, Vorel who was defeated for the second time - 1:2. The surprised Boleslav players passed the ball uselessly around the middle of the pitch for a while but they took the initiative progressively and pushed towards the Olomouc goal. However, they created real scoring chances only in the final quarter.

Neither Chramosta and Pecka nor the Olomouc goalkeeper, Drobisz reached the ball after a low centre-pass by Kúdela in the 76th minute and it hit the right-hand post. Opiela hit the Olomouc goalkeeper after a centre-pass by Mendy and assistance by Táborský in the 79th minute. Onofrej played by hand when dribbling by Mendy in the Olomouc penalty area and the referee, Příhoda ordered a penalty shot. Táborský scored from it with assurance in the 86th minute - 2:2. Right at the end of the match, Opiela missed the goal after a pass by Kulič and Chramosta, whose shot was too high, missed a clear chance to score in the additional time.

Line-up of FK Mladá Boleslav: Vorel - Kúdela, Rajnoch, Janíček, Djalovič (73. Opiela) - Mendy, Sylvestre, Procházka (53. Chramosta), Poláček (78. Táborský) - Kulič, Pecka.

Line-up of SK Sigma Olomouc: Drobisz - Rossi, Dreksa, Škerle, Onofrej - Kaščák (65. Štětina), Otepka (90. Vepřek), Bajer, Petr (68. Ordoš) - Janotka, Hubník.

Goals: 23. Kulič, 86. Táborský (penalty shot) - 41. Petr, 55. Janotka

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