Incredible Defeat in Added Time

Incredible Defeat in Added Time


Even if the Boleslav players dominated the match most of time, they didn't manage to score even from the clearest scoring chances at which the Prague goalkeeper Sňozík almost literally performed magic tricks. Štohanzl scored the only goal of the match when he overcame the goalkeeper, Vorel from a long distance in added time. "I don't remember anything like this throughout my entire career," Boleslav's head coach Dušan Uhrin sighed.

The match had a brisk pace during the complete first half. Attacks alternated from one side to the other. The Bohemians performed the first more dangerous action. A centre-pass by Janek in front of Vorel's goal was not taken by Ibragimov, so Boleslav defended its goal. Ibragimov outwitted Procházka and sent a hard shot from more than twenty metres in the 14th minute. The ball floated in the air unpredictably and Vorel diverted it to a corner kick reflexively. After taking it, the Boleslav players gained the ball and set up for an attack. Djalovič worked his way through to the penalty area and fell in a running duel with Janek but the referee did not order the penalty shot demanded by the viewers.

Mendy sent a ground pass towards the goal from the right side in the 21st minute; Kulič, at the closer post tried to get the ball in the net but the stopper, Cseh diverted the ball to the first corner kick of the Boleslav team. Bohemka defended the goal easily. Mendy obtained the third corner kick of Boleslav after an out throw by Kúdela. Kulič took it and a header by Rolko, who jumped highest just cleared the top right corner of the goal of the Prague team.

Štohanzl stopped Kulič illegally in the 35th minute and Sylvestre took a free kick to Rajnoch; his header just cleared the right post of Sňozík's goal. Kulič passed the ball nicely to the running Chramosta one minute later. The Prague stopper Cseh held Chramosta by his shirt but the referee did not see it, so Sňozík could kick the ball away when he ran out of his penalty area. Chramosta shot without preparation from the boundary of the goal area after a centre-pass by Táborský and a header by Procházka three minutes before the end but he was pressed by a defender and his shot cleared the left post.

Only five minutes of the second half had elapsed when the Boleslav players prepared the first scoring chance. Rolko missed the ball after a free kick taken by Kulič and Sňozík saved it easily. A festival of clear scoring chances followed: Some remained unused only by a miracle. The Boleslav players determined the pace of the match and the rival fell behind, apparently.

Djalovič terminated his penetration by a smashing shot in the 56th minute; Sňozík rebounded the ball to Kulič but was stopped by the referee for an off-side position. Two minutes later, Procházka passed the ball to the left, to Táborský and Chramosta headed his centre-pass from the goal area to the falling Sňozík. Kulič terminated an attack by Mendy with a shot that hit the right post and rebounded from the goal in the 61st minute. A shot by Kúdela just cleared the crossbar in the 63rd minute. Stopper Nikl diverted the ball to a corner kick and centre-pass by Táborský to Chramosta just in front of the Boleslav forward in the 64th minute. One minute later, Sylvestre ended an attack by an imprecise shot from the boundary of the penalty area. A volley shot by Táborský cleared the crossbar by several centimetres in the 67th minute. Táborský terminated an excellent combination by Mendy, Sylvestre and Kulič by a shot from an acute angle saved by Sňozík in the 70th minute. Chramosta missed the goal of the Prague team after a corner kick in the 71st minute. Chramosta shot again without preparation after an attack by Kulič topped by a selfless pass but Sňozík saved his shot from several metres by a miracle. Sňozík only rebounded a shot by Kysela and saved it fully only for the second time in front of the approaching Řezníček, five minutes before the end.

In three added minutes, the goalkeeper Vorel failed to clear the ball after an out throw by Kulič and Štohanzl aimed the ball from more than thirty-five metres in the unprotected goal of the Boleslav team, where the surprised goalkeeper didn't manage to return from the boundary of the penalty area - 0:1.

An incredible ending of the match in which the Boleslav team dominated clearly. The Bohemians won in this league season and defeated Boleslav for the first time.

Line-up of FK Mladá Boleslav: Vorel - Kúdela, Rajnoch, Rolko, Djalovič - Mendy (80. Řezníček), Procházka, Sylvestre, Táborský (81. Kysela) - Chramosta, Kulič.

Line-up of FC Bohemians 1905: Sňozík - Jindřišek, Nikl, Cseh, Rychlík - Štohanzl, Pávek, Róth (66. Bartek), Janek - Ibragimov (71. Zelenka), Škoda (79. Lukáš).

Goal: 90+3. Štohanzl

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